Why Diet Pills Ingredients Are So Important ?

Some great alternatives to fad diets or exercise routines that are producing no results are diet pills and supplements. When all other methods have failed to produce results these can help get you on track.

Life has become a race to the finish, everyone is so busy that getting exercise or sticking to a diet is near impossible. Therefore, off the health food store and the diet pill aisle many are going.

However, what is it in these pills that speeds weight loss? What are you putting in your system and what are the potential side effects?

Diet Pills with Side Effects:


Products that advertise being a fat burner, thermo or lean most likely contain Ephedra. This is an active substance in a majority of the diet pills and supplements on the market. Even though the FDA has warned about the potentially harmful side effects, it can have.

Ephedra has been shown to contain a compound that stimulates the heart and the central nervous system. It imitates adrenaline in the body, that is the substance responsible for the fight or flight response in times of perceived danger. As you can imagine this increases heart rate and blood pressure which on a constant basis is not healthy.

Some common side effects of Ephedra are irregular heart rhythm, insomnia and nervousness or anxiety.

*What about the Diet Pill Phentermine?

Phentermine is a prescription medication that was never meant to be taken as a long-term weight loss supplement.

Doctors prescribe the diet pill Phentermine to obese patients who must lose weight. First, the drug acts as an appetite reducer by affecting neurotransmitters in the brain. In a nutshell, it also increased the fight or flight response, which blocks the brain from receiving hunger, signals.

You should never start a weight loss drug without consulting your physician. Side effects are generally mild however, some patients complained of chest pain, irritability, insomnia and irregular heart rhythms.

Recommended Product:
One of the best choices for consumers today is Proactol. Much research has been done of the weight loss industry and this product offers more safety and effectiveness than most of the supplements on the market. You get a better product and more value for the dollar with Proactol.

Four Reasons Proactol is Recommended

1.No Harmful Ingredients

Proactol contains none of the harmful substances like the ones listed above. It is 100% safe and made of natural ingredients.

2.You can be assured of its safety since the product has undergone extensive clinical trials and been proven to be safe and effective. Proactol has even received the CE seal of approval as a certified medical device product.

3.Proactol addresses fat absorption by blocking up to 28% of the fat you take in on a daily basis.

4.Reduce your cholesterol with Proactol as well. Proactol prevents absorptions of dietary cholesterol; this is good news for weight loss and preventing heart disease. Control your weight with Proactol, since it, blocks 28% of the fat consumed it aids in the management of your weight.

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