One of the most important bodybuilding concepts for maximum muscle building is achieving failure on each workout set, where a bodybuilder takes a certain weight lifting exercise to the point where no additional repetitions are possible, and this requires some form of spotting on several exercises, especially those involving the legs and chest, so many choose to enlist the help of a weight lifting partner so that they can always have a safety mechanism to reduce the risk of injury.
Even bodybuilders who otherwise would rather perform bodybuilding workouts alone decide to find a partner specifically to protect themselves when reaching failure on certain weight lifting exercises, and for those who cannot find a companion for such a purpose, they will likely join a gym and interrupt other busy weight lifters to provide spotting during various sets, which is not only agitating to any bodybuilder who is attempting to complete a workout without distraction, but realistically, finding such a spotter is not always easy depending on type of gym.
Although there are certain bodybuilders who can locate trustworthy weight lifting partners to accompany them for every workout session, the chances are great that this will not be possible, leaving either the random spotter method (asking various gym members for assistance), which as mentioned is quite rude and annoying to others, or requires the use of machines exclusively, which naturally prevents the need for any spotting whatsoever.
But what if a bodybuilder seeks to train with free weights on workout exercises such as the bench press, and wishes to perform these specific weight training movements alone, without the benefit of a partner or spotter? This is easily doable through use of a power rack, where two beams allow positioning at various locations to guard a bodybuilder from becoming trapped underneath a heavy weight during the workout session.
Since a power rack has adjustable spotting bars, the unit is not only helpful for upper body weight training exercises such as the shoulder press, but also for the calf raise and squat, lower body movements which many wish to perform with a free weight barbell as opposed to machines.
Some opt for a squat rack instead of a power rack, and this is not wise given that the spotting beams which comprise a power rack are designed specifically to serve as a protective mechanism in case a bodybuilder loses control of the weight during his or her set, while a squat rack does not allow this vital level of protection. With a power rack, spotting is easily doable without assistance from a weight lifting partner, as you can place the bar on a separate, smaller set of pegs for initial lift off, and the large, lengthy spotting beams are anchored lower for complete protection during each weight lifting set.
Many gyms provide power racks, although some may only purchase one, and bodybuilders who understand the value of this specific piece of workout equipment will regularly monopolize the device, which requires others to either "work in" (which is extremely inconvenient unless both bodybuilders are using identical workout exercises and weight, which rarely will ever occur), or wait until the power rack is no longer occupied, which is wasteful if you are on a schedule (and others may then ask you to "work in" as well!). So, if you have sufficient space at home, purchasing a power rack for your basement or home workout room is a far better alternative, as utilizing a power rack along with a workout bench, barbell, two dumbbell collars and free weight plates, dramatic muscle building is possible at home, alone, as you will reach failure safely on all weight training workout exercises without need for a spotter.
The other insurmountable problem with attempting to find a weight training partner to spot during heavy bench pressing and other similar workout exercises is that, unless you are surrounded by an army of other extremely powerful bodybuilders, it's quite easy to become trapped underneath a weight even when a spotter is watching, as reaching failure requires that you can no longer muster the energy to complete a repetition on your own power, and for any spotter to lift dead weight from a standing position is extremely difficult, to the point where your weight training partner may be unable to help you avoid becoming stuck underneath a barbell as your energy reserves decline during a workout set. But with a power rack, this is never an issue, as you adjust the spotting beams to a position where the barbell cannot cause you to become trapped underneath, regardless of how heavy a weight you may be using for your bodybuilding workout session, so I firmly recommend, even if you train with a trustworthy and very powerful partner, to always rely on a power rack for spotting during all pressing exercises so that you can ensure a heightened sense of safety and maximum intensity without unnecessarily risking a significant and dangerous mishap.
Francesco Castano authors, a diet and weight lifting program teaching the exact techniques for building muscle mass without supplements or drugs. He also owns, an online fitness superstore selling protein powder at guaranteed lowest prices.
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